We, the Siisterhood, hereby instate the following rules to govern the use of the Traveling Pants:
1. You must never wash the Pants.
2. You must never double-cuff the Pants. It´s tacky.
There will never be a time when this will not be
There will never be a time when this will not be
3. You must never say the word "phat" while wearing the Pants.
You must also never think to yourself,
You must also never think to yourself,
"I am fat" while wearing the Pants.
4. You must never let a boy take off the Pants
(although you may take them off yourself in his
(although you may take them off yourself in his
5. You must not pick your nose while wearing the Pants.
You may, however, scratch casually at your
You may, however, scratch casually at your
nostril while really kind of picking.
6. Upon our reunion, you must follow the the proper
procedures for documenting your time in the Pants :
procedures for documenting your time in the Pants :
- On the left leg of the Pants, write the most exiting place you have been while wearing the Pants.
- On the right leg of the Pants, write the most important thing that has happened to you while wearing the Panta. (For example, "I hooked up with my second cousin, Ivan, while wearing the Traveling Pants.")
7. You must write your Sisters throughout the summer,
no matter how much fun you are having without them.
no matter how much fun you are having without them.
8. You must pass the Pants along to your Sisters
according to the specifications set down by
the Sisterhood Failure to comply will result in
a severe spanking upon our reuinion.
according to the specifications set down by
the Sisterhood Failure to comply will result in
a severe spanking upon our reuinion.
9. You must not wear the Pants with a tucked-in shirt
and belt. See rule #2.
and belt. See rule #2.
10. Remember: Pants = love. Love your pals. Love yourself.
(copied from "the sisterhood of the traveling pants - Ann Brashares ; page 24,25 )
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